Healing on Innate Time

Healing on Innate Time: Your sciatica isn’t easing as fast as you’d like, your chronic migraines are slow to abate. Healing doesn’t happen at the rate you decide on, and there’s a good reason why.
The Doctor inside you – innate intelligence – has a long list of things to do to just keep you alive, like digesting breakfast… re-creating new liver tissue… or arresting pre-cancerous growths. The prioritizing of physiological tasks doesn’t always correspond with your wishes. Sometimes the problem highest on your healing to do list, isn’t the most important on innate’s. But rest assured, it’s aware of every line item.
Trusting your innate healing power is the foundation of Principled Chiropractic (care based on thirty three philosophical principles of practice). The best we can do is locate and correct your subluxations, keep the lines of nerve communication open and let nature take care of the rest. Yielding to innate’s schedule ALWAYS benefits Life.