Squat Like A Toddler
Squat Like A Toddler: If you ever want to observe perfect biomechanics, watch a toddler pick up a toy from the floor. You’ll never see them bending over, moaning in agony like an old man. They drop their hips, maintain …
Squat Like A Toddler: If you ever want to observe perfect biomechanics, watch a toddler pick up a toy from the floor. You’ll never see them bending over, moaning in agony like an old man. They drop their hips, maintain …
A Matter of Millimeters: In plastic surgery, millimeters count. A subtle shift in the nasal bones towards mid line, a slight tightening of the tissues around the eyes, just a bit more lift in the chin… all can dramatically change …
Feeling a Bit Rusty: Does it take a while for you to get going in the morning? Are you joints stiff and achy when you first wake up, and take a few hours to loosen? Stiff, tired joints can leave …
Healing on Innate Time: Your sciatica isn’t easing as fast as you’d like, your chronic migraines are slow to abate. Healing doesn’t happen at the rate you decide on, and there’s a good reason why. The Doctor inside you – …
Once You Go: One of the most misunderstood beliefs about chiropractic is that once you start, you have to go forever. It’s true, many Chiropractic clients choose to continue care on a regular wellness basis after experiencing great results, but …
Alignment and Spark: Can a car with bad alignment still be driven? Yes – but it will never steer to its potential. How about one running on 5 cylinders instead of 6? Yes, it too can get you from point …
Discs and Doughnuts: Step on the edge of a jelly doughnut and the lopsided pressure will cause the inner contents to ooze out the opposite side… it’s basic physics. The jelly flows away from high pressure to low pressure, leaving …
Wired for LIFE! Electricity flows through power lines and messages of communication flow through phone cables… but the ‘power’ that flows through Nerve fibers is far more intricate, intelligent and critical to your Life. Nerves carry ‘smart’ signals – organized …
Maintaining the Golden Goose: We all have excuses for not getting to the Chiropractor more often – too many appointments, too many responsibilities, too many ‘you fill in the blanks.’ You’re the golden goose and you have little time and …
Smell Something Burning: A family physician tells his patient “there are 3 stages of pain. The first stage, the pain is bad enough to catch your attention. The second stage it takes hold of you, and at the third stage …