An ADIO Thanksgiving
An ADIO Thanksgiving: It’s Thanksgiving time, and in staying with custom, we’d like to share with you a few things we are truly grateful for this year. Here’s a short list…
We’re thankful for Subluxatation free spines, mobile joints and healthy sagital curves. Supple muscles with elastic flexibility. Unimpeded nerve systems, through which the gift of innate intelligence flows, coordinating all the functions that sustain Life. An abundance of eager referrals and miracle testimonials. We’re especially grateful for our Principle, and the many lives that have been saved by its faithful application.
But most of all we’re thankful for all our patients and ChiropracTIC fanatics worldwide who, through their trust and unrelenting desire to advance Life, have come to appreciate these things as well. Our practice is nothing without you – our Chiropractic family. Have a blessed Thanksgiving, above down, inside and out!