Time to Get in Gear
Time to get in gear: When you turn your neck or twist your back does your spine snap, grind and ratchet like a bicycle chain stuck in mid gear? That grating noise could mean something’s out of alignment. Your spine …
Time to get in gear: When you turn your neck or twist your back does your spine snap, grind and ratchet like a bicycle chain stuck in mid gear? That grating noise could mean something’s out of alignment. Your spine …
In a recent Mayo Clinic study, researchers determined that nearly 70 percent of Americans are on at least one prescription drug, and more than half receive at least two prescriptions. Twenty percent of U.S. patients were also found to …
One of the most important benefits of Chiropractic care is the restoration of normal alignment and mechanics to your spine. But getting the shape back to where it should be takes time and effort… especially if your spine is tight …
In its heyday, the space shuttle would generate nearly 8 million pounds of thrust just to lift itself off the launch pad into the atmosphere. Once beyond the earth’s gravitational pull, it didn’t require as much effort to stay in …
If predisposed to chronic Life debilitating migraines, no rational person would agree to a beheading to pre-empt the next one. But fear, misplaced faith and little knowledge of how the body innately works could influence such a move on ‘lesser’ …
You’re a few weeks into your care plan and you’re feeling better. You want to get back to your routine as soon as possible. There’s a lot to do around the house, you’ve got a family to take care of …
You’re proud of your lawn. You water it, feed it on schedule and try to keep the neighborhood kids off of it. But you missed a few spots with the fertilizer spreader and now dull, brown patches where the grass …
What would happen if you didn’t clean your house for a few weeks? Your furniture would get pretty dusty wouldn’t it? The same can be said for you, if the dirt in your Nerve System isn’t cleaned up on a …
A titration test analyzes how many drops of chemical it takes to create a specific reaction – usually a change in solution color. Drop by drop, the reagent is added until an observable change is seen. And if asked which …
It’s a common question Chiropractic patients have… “Hey doc, what do you think did it to me this time? Is it the way I’m sleeping, or maybe the stress at work?” To tell you the truth, without 24/7 video surveillance …