Time to Get in Gear
Time to get in gear: When you turn your neck or twist your back does your spine snap, grind and ratchet like a bicycle chain stuck in mid gear? That grating noise could mean something’s out of alignment. Your spine …
Time to get in gear: When you turn your neck or twist your back does your spine snap, grind and ratchet like a bicycle chain stuck in mid gear? That grating noise could mean something’s out of alignment. Your spine …
Quantity Counts – Time & Repetition is the key! A glass of water can put out a flame, but it won’t put out a raging forest fire – right idea, but it’s lacking in appropriate quantity. The same can be …
Construction sites are hectic – heavy equipment everywhere, orange cones marking hazardous areas, workers tearing up and laying down new asphalt. It’s a wonder anything gets done amid the chaos. But behind that chaos is intelligence… a team of well …
Every day, people around the world thank their Chiropractors for giving them their health and their Lives back. It’s common to hear patients say ‘doc, you really did a great job…’ and ‘doc, you helped me when no one else …
Chiropractic is about Life and Health, not about feeling good or bad. Unfortunately only a small percentage of the population actual understand that chiropractic care enhances life, improves performance and allows the body to adapt to and thrive …
It’s not the same as Chiropractic. Yoga comprises a Hindu system of stretches, poses and exercises to enhance mind / body control. It’s great for improving your coordination and core muscle strength. Chiropractic, on the other hand, is based on …
In a recent Mayo Clinic study, researchers determined that nearly 70 percent of Americans are on at least one prescription drug, and more than half receive at least two prescriptions. Twenty percent of U.S. patients were also found to …
You can’t sleep, your energy levels are low and you’re finding it harder to make it through your day. Your doctor insists there’s nothing wrong but you still feel like something’s weighing you down. Maybe it’s time to call your …
You start a diet, lose 15lbs, then quit… only to gain the weight back, plus five extra pounds. When it’s time to fit into that bathing suit, you’ll repeat the process all over again. Yo-yo dieting is transient and event …
One of the most important benefits of Chiropractic care is the restoration of normal alignment and mechanics to your spine. But getting the shape back to where it should be takes time and effort… especially if your spine is tight …